Dinner Service - Copyright: International Polar Foundation - © International Polar Foundation

in News

Christmas Menu

The party began with, in stead of the usual hot chocolate that is served on the working grounds, warm wine from "Château Migraine" vintage.

The rest of the evening was all the more successful in that the entire new team was gathered for the first time around a long banquet. The mess tent was decorated with garlands made from tea bags and rocked by John Lennon's "Merry Christmas".

Christmas menu:
  • Aperitif: sangria served with hors d'oeuvres
  • First course: cheese and shrimp croquettes on a bed of lettuce
  • Main course: stuffed turkey roulades with whiskey sauce, vegetable terrine (sort of vegetable pie), "pommes duchesses" (fried mashed potatoes with a spiral shape) and marinated peppers
  • Desert: chocolate and speculoos ice-cream duo topped with hot chocolate

Author: IPF

Picture: Dinner Service - Copyright: International Polar Foundation - © International Polar Foundation

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