Epoxying the Station Floor - © International Polar Foundation

in News

Live From Antarctica: Monday December 15

Today the last of those who were still out in the field conducting research - scientists from the BELISSIMA (Belgian Ice Sheet-Shelf Ice Measurements in Antarctica) expedition returned triumphantly to the station along with their guardian angel. The glaciologists were very satisfied with what they'd been able to accomplish: The drilling team brought back enough ice specimens and the radar team was able to survey the zone they wanted. It was a huge success, thanks to "the support they received for the organization of their expedition." Over here at Utsteinen, of course, a Monday under the sun is something we'll never see!

Inside the station, Bernard, Paul and Jacques got started epoxying. Their goal is to waterproof all the rooms where water will be used. However this means that the three men have to dress up in gear that makes them look like aliens (white overalls and breathing masks). The epoxy leaves a strong odour - something between turpentine and tar camphor - and you can smell it all the way at the bottom of the stairs going up to the main level of the station.

Nathalie Pattyn

Author: IPF

Picture: Epoxying the Station Floor - © International Polar Foundation

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