Prinoth Tractor - © International Polar Foundation

in News

Live from Antarctica: Sunday 7th December

A day of rest. Not so much because it is Sunday, but more because the weather doesn't allow for many activities! Apparently, last year's expedition was extremely lucky with the weather conditions. This year, we haven't been able to enjoy a single day without wind so far. The wind turbine has been turning like crazy. It sounds like a nearing helicopter.

Alain left the scientists on the coast this morning. The drilling team is looking for another location to carry out its ice drilling, whereas the radar team is longing for better weather soon in order to complete its survey. We are expecting Alain back around 02.00 AM on Monday. Despite our complaints about the weather, it sounds like today's weather conditions are to be the best we'll have all week.

So what do people at the base camp do on a day like this? Well, everybody makes use of the spare time to do some laundry, indulge in some "serious" washing (and for some true hedonists, even wash their hair!), hang out in the mess tent together and occasionally discus the newly received plans. A usual Sunday, aside from the discernable anticipation with which we await the return of the big boss!

Nathalie Pattyn

Author: IPF

Picture: Prinoth Tractor - © International Polar Foundation

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