Princess Elisabeth Station - © International Polar Foundation

in News

The technical aspects of the station: energy-efficiency and wastewater treatment

This fourth pedagogical dossier describes the technical aspects of the Princess Elisabeth station, including its energy-efficient design and how water will be recycled and re-used.

The Princess Elisabeth station is the first ever 'zero emission' station. However before it can earn this status, numerous tests must be conducted. Based on the results of these tests, the most optimal systems and technologies will be chosen so that the station will be as energy-efficient as it can be and capable of re-using wastewater as optimally as possible.

But which systems are these? Can they also be used in your home? How is the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica station like a passive house? Find out the answers to these questions by discovering the key sustainable attributes of the station.

Other pedagogical dossiers belonging to this series include:

In the spring of 2009, a fifth and last dossier will give details about the primary purpose of the station: scientific research!

Each dossier will cover different academic disciplines: history, languages, science and technology. It will also encourage teachers and pupils to fully understand various aspects of the project and to have a good knowledge of what the station is now and will be in the future.

Author: IPF

Picture: Princess Elisabeth Station - © International Polar Foundation

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