Taking pictures and filming on the ice

Picture Galleries

Every season, we publish pictures from Antarctica and we now have quite an archive available. You can follow the life of the Princess Elisabeth Station from its origins in Brussels until the present.

  • JARE 51 at their base camp

    in Science

    JARE 51 at their base camp

    With Alain Hubert's expert guidance, the members of the JARE 51 expedition are now at the place where they their base camp will be for three weeks.

  • Works in Progress

    in Daily Life

    Works in Progress

    After the snow had piled up everywhere and wrapped the station in a white blanket, the sun finally came back. The drilling for the anchoring of the satellite antenna can…

  • More Provisions Have Arrived!

    in Logistics

    More Provisions Have Arrived!

    The Basler has come to resupply the Belgian and Japanese expeditions; relations between the neighbouring expeditions are warm and friendly. The weather has been getting worse...but no worries. Everybody…

  • The new base camp is ready!

    in Daily Life

    The new base camp is ready!

    At the time when snow petrels are returning to their nesting sites at Utsteinen, the team faces its first bad weather of the season. The new base camp is ready,…

  • The first tasks of the season

    in Daily Life

    The first tasks of the season

    At Utsteinen, the station has been subjected to the harsh Antarctic winter on her own. When the team arrives on November 11th 2009, they can see there will be a lot…

  • HYDRANT-project in Utsteinen

    in Science

    HYDRANT-project in Utsteinen

    HYDRANT (HYDRologic system of ANTarctica) is a project designed by Prof. Nicole van Lipzig from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL).The project aims to investigate the atmospheric part of the…

  • Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML)

    in Science

    Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML)

    During the BELARE 2008-09 expedition, Henri Robert, Alain De Broyer and Antoine Joris boarded the Ivan Papanin ship on its way to Breid Bay (200 km away from the Princess Elisabeth…

  • Wim Tellier in Antarctica

    in Daily Life

    Wim Tellier in Antarctica

    Protect 7-7 is a unique art exhibit which was held on the 7th continent. Wim Tellier, the author, wanted to find a place everyone would recognize to be Antarctica where…